
Featured Bikes

Don't Miss Out on Our Exclusive Electric Bike!

Get ready to electrify your rides with our unbeatable deals on Electric Bike Company and Magnum Bike Company models! Whether you're commuting to work or hitting the trails, these top-notch electric bikes are engineered for performance, comfort, and style.

 Visit our store or shop online now!

Cycle the City: Start your e-bike journey with us!

Explore urban landscapes on our premium bikes.
Book your test ride today!

Join our mission to make Atlanta a biking city, replacing driving with cycling for a greener future.

Discover Your Perfect Ride: Explore Our Top Electric Bikes Today!


Embrace the green revolution with Beltline Biking! Ride green, live green, and experience the sustainable joy of electric biking in Atlanta's vibrant Beltline community.


Empowering Atlanta’s shift to sustainable transport, our e-bike dealership in West Midtown offers affordable, eco-friendly rides to build a healthier, more connected community.


Envisioning a vibrant Atlanta propelled by eco-friendly e-bikes, where every journey enhances community well-being and paves the way for a sustainable urban lifestyle.


We are committed to making sustainable urban mobility accessible to all, fostering well-being, and nurturing a sense of community through our dedication to service, innovation, and the transformative power of e-bikes.”